What the Hell is That Stuck to the Side of a Vehicle? (Video)

What on earth is that stuck to the side of that vehicle..?

Is it Something from Outer Space? Is That a Claw I Can See..

Whatever it is, it’s really weird, and how has it stayed there?

I had to go and have a closer look, to find out, “What the hell that ‘thing’ was”.

I had gone to get the weekly shop, loaded up the car, jumped in and was about to drive away… When I just happened to look across at the vehicle parked next to mine. What on earth is that stuck to the side of that car..?

Still don’t know what it is… All I know is that ‘thing’ is just weird?

  • What’s is it?
  • How on earth did it get there?
  • What’s it doing, stuck to the side of the car?

What the hell…?